Programino-ide-arduino-terminal-V2 - Programino IDE for Arduino

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PROGRAMINO IDE - Serial Terminal
With the terminal you can communicate with the Arduino™ or other microcontroller boards.
Programino IDE has three independent terminals.

Connect to the Arduino™ board and run.

Disconnect: Disconnect the Arduino™ board and stop.

Reset: Reset the Arduino™ board (make a new start).

Top: The terminal is always in the foreground.

Comport: Select the comport to connect with the board.

Baudrate: Sets the baud rate.

Terminal receiving options:

Clear: Clear the terminal window.

ASCII: Show the received bytes as ASCII.

HEX: Show the received bytes as hexadecimal.

BYTE: Show the received bytes as bytes.

BIN: Show the received bytes as binary.

Autoscroll: The terminal always scrolls to the current received line.

Terminal send options:

DTR: Set the DTR pin to high or low.

RTS: Set the RTS pin to high or low.

ASCII: Send value as ASCII.

BYTE: Send the value as byte.

ECHO: Show the sended byte in the terminal window.

CR: Send CR (chr 13)

LF: Send LF (chr 10)

Send: Sends the textbox content.

Terminal (Menue):

Open Log Folder: Open the Log Folder.

Save: Save the terminal window content.

Send File: Send a textfile over the comport.

Export: Save the terminal content as PNG, RTF oder HTML.

Print: Send the terminal content to a printer.

Close: Close the terminal.

Options (Menue):

Show Time: Places a timestamp in front of the received text. (Data must not come too quickly).

Show Date: Like timestamp but with additional date.

Hold Send Data: Holds the contents of the transmit box after sending.

Terminal menue (right mouse click):

Restor to 100%: Set the terminal zoom back to 100%.
You can zoom in on the terminal text with CTRL + mouse wheel.

Copy: Copy the selected terminal text.

Select All: Select the complete terminal text, is similar to CTRL + A.

Find: Open the search window.


RxD: Received byte LED.

CTS: Clear to send LED.

DSR: Data Set Ready LED.

DCD: Data Carrier Detect LED.

Send a BYTE-Array

You can also send byte arrays with the terminal.
Simply separate the bytes with a comma as shown in the illustration.

Terminal 0:

Terminal 0 is similar to the other two terminals. However, it contains a few less options.

The statusbar show the selected baudrate and comportname.
When receiving data, the "RxD" icon blinks.

You find a this example in Programino IDE example folder (File\Arduino Examples\Programino...).

Terminal special functions:
  • [#HOME#]                 ->    Cursor Home-Position
  • [#END#]                    ->    Cursor End-Postion
  • [#CLEAR#]                 ->    Clear the Terminal-Screen
  • [#SAVE#filename]       ->    Save the Terminal-Content

The LogFile.txt is saved under the Log-folder. You can rename this filename with any name.
This feature is very good for data-logging :-)


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