Programino is an alternative and comfortable easy-to-use IDE for the Arduino™ and compatible microcontroller plattforms. Use all Arduino™ compatible plattforms and boards such as (Portenta, Teensy©, Espressif ESP8266, ESP32, Controllino©, Seeed, Sparkfun, ARM boards, Adafruite boards, etc.)
Preferred Coding languages
- Preferred language is C, C++, C Header, HTML & HTML 5, JavaScript, CSS, Text-Files.
- For all these languages is also syntax highlighting & code autocomplete supported.
Custom Syntax Highlighting
- Customize your IDE and share the style with other users. Programino has a import/export function for schemes.
- Programino supports dynamic syntax highlighting for user-variables.
Code Autocompletion, Snippets and Hints
- This feature makes coding fast and easy.
- Dynamic code completion with hints.
- Frequently used commands can be accessed via snippets.
- General information (hints) about the commands help you for faster programming.
- Mouseover tooltips shows you information about commands, functions and defines.
Code Folding
- Code folding makes it more manageable.
- It is also possible folding individual areas.
Easy Error Tracking
- Is an error in the program, Progamino displays an error list.
- Double-click on the error and Programino will jump to the error.
Serial Debugger
- Absolute easy to use serial Debugger.
- Set Breakpoints.
- Watch Variables.
- Not extra hardware required.
Code Snippets
- With code snippets you can save parts of the programme for reuse.
- So you can quickly find often used code sections (also between different files).
- Bookmarks are saved.
Find and Replace
- Advanced search and replace function with regex option.
- Advanced fast reference search function.
Quick Search and Marker
- Show search results with marker.
Open Header Files
- Open quickly a included header file.
IDE Configuration
- Easy IDE configuration.
Libraries Manager
- Easy libraries import and download.
Project Explorer
- Quickly open and add files to your project.
File Explorer
- Quickly open and add files to your project.
- Programino automatically searches for and lists the installed libraries.
- Custom paths and sketchbooks can be added manually.
Object Explorer
- Find functions quickly in your program.
Use the Arduino™ IDE Board configuration for 3rd party Boards
- This option allows you to use all installed boards in the Arduino IDE. The advantage is that Programino remains 100% compatible to all Arduino™ IDEs.
Hardware Viewer
- So you always have an overview of your Arduino™ boards when programming.
3x UART Terminals
- With the terminal you can communicate with the boards.
- Baudrate between 300 and 250.000 Baud.
- Representation of the values in ASCII, HEX, BYTE and BIN.
- Open a serial terminal log file.
- Save a serial terminal log file.
- #Home, #Save, #Clear - commands to control the terminal similar as a VT100 terminal.
- Save the input as file or picture.
Value Converter
- With this converter you can fast convert different values.
LCD Designer
- You can define your own character and insert it easy as an array in your code.
Color Selector
- Easy RGB-Color selector for RGB-LEDs applications.
Programino Lab
- Turn your Arduino into a measuring station for your laboratory.
- Voltage autoscale.
- Logger function.
- Serial communication
- Analog gauges (analog input).
- Digital mutlimeter (analog input).
- Analog plotter (analog input).
- LEDs (digital input).
- Digital Button (digital port).
- Analog slider (analog port - PWM).
Serial Oscilloscope
- With the analog oscilloscopee you can graphically represent measurements.
- Serial communication.
- Up to 4 channel.
- Voltage or RAW values.
- Zoom and offset function.
- Measurement function (time and value).
Project Export
- For boards that are not yet supported, you can use the export function.
- Easy one click export to Arduino™ IDE.
- This feature is ideal for Arduino™ IDE versions that no command line support function have.
- Ideal for older Arduino™ projects (Arduino™ IDE less 1.6 and *.pde files).
Arduino™ Libraries
- Use all Arduino™ libraries in Programino.
- Programino automatically search the installed Arduino™ libraries.
- Install a new library with the original Arduino™ IDE (this is then available in the Programino IDE).
- Use all Arduino™ libraries such as (Keyboard, Mouse, Adafruit, Sparkfun, Controllino, Servo, SD, etc.)
HTML5 Web-Editor for IoT Web-Applications
- For IoT/Web applications Programino IDE has a HTML editor and support HTML5.
- For a better design use the Bootstrap helper.
File and Text Compare
- Compare two files or copy and paste test.
And many more...