Programino-ide-arduino-analog-plotter-V2 - Programino IDE for Arduino

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PROGRAMINO IDE - Analog serial Plotter
The plotter can record analogue and digital voltages.
It is a serial plotter similar to the original Arduino™ IDE.
It can display up to 4 signals simultaneously.
You can also measure and save the signals.

Connect: Plotter Run (Connect to the Arduino board).

Disconnect: Plotter Stop (Disconnect the Arduino board).

Reset: Reset the Arduino board (make a new start).

Screenshot: Make a Plotter Screenshot.

Top: The analog plotter is always in the foreground.

Comport: Select the comport to connect with the Arduino board.

Baudrate: Sets the baud rate.

Samplerate:  Plotter refresh time.

Imput Value: RAW and VOLT (RAW = direct digital value, VOLT = calculate to voltage with 5V analog reference).

Unit: Your own value unit (use a temp.-sensor write °C or °F in this textfield) this unit is shown in the graph.

Scale: Scale the value range from 1 to 2000.

Offset: Value range from -2000 to +2000 (use this to make small signals with a DC offset visible).

Zero: Set the Zoom or Offset to zero (default).

AREF: Reference voltage for conversion for voltage measurement. 5.0 = Uref. 5V.

Show Grid: Show grid for a better value orientation.

Cursor Value: Shows the mouse cursor digital value (value picker).

Cursor Time: Shows the mouse cursor time value (time picker).

Measuring signals:
You can also measure the signals.
To do this, press the left mouse button on one point and drag the measuring triangle to the second point and press the left mouse button again.
Delta (t) and Delta (value) are displayed at the bottom right.
Clicking again deletes the measurement.

  • The timing (timeline scale) in the graph is determined automatically after starting the plotter based on the data flow and samplerate.
  • Zoom and Offset function is only available when Input Value "RAW" is selected!

You can find this example "Demo 1" in Programino IDE example folder.

After upload the programme to the Arduino™ board, connect the plotter with the board.

Use the following plotter settings:

  • Sample Rate: 20ms
  • Input Value: RAW
  • Zoom: +/- 500
  • Offset: 0

Play around with the settings to get more familiar with the functions of the plotter.

If you set the zoom to +/-1, you can also display digital values.

Also try the other examples for the plotter.

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