Programio-ide-arduino-code-snippets-V2 - Programino IDE for Arduino

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PROGRAMINO IDE - Code Snippets

With code snippets you can save parts of the Arduino™ programme for reuse.

To do this, mark the desired programme section and press the "right mouse button".
Then select "Add Code Snippet".

Programino now asks for a name for the snippet.
Enter a informative name so that you can quickly assign the programme section.

The programme section is now saved.
You can also view the snippets in the preview window.

You can also edit the snippet in the editor with "Open Snippet in Editor".

If you want to use the snippet in the programme again, do the following:

Select the desired snippet from the list above and right-click in the code window of the preview.
Now you can insert the programme snippet into your Arduino™ programme with "Insert Snippet in code".

The snippet was inserted into the programme window.

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